Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which undesirable fat deposits are removed from certain areas.
This is undoubtedly one of the world’s most popular aesthetic procedures. A large number of satisfied patients justify its efficiency in shaping the body. Liposuction is not a method for treatment of excessive obesity. It is effective in the treatment of localized fat deposits that have not been reduced even After making the diet and slimming exercises. The most commonly treated areas are chin, upper arms, chest, side, stomach, hips, thighs, knees and lower legs. It successfully removed adipose tissue depots in the form of growths known as lipomas.
Before the operation:
It is important to point out that the quality of the skin significantly affected the final result. Firm and elastic skin is a prerequisite for the achievement of desired regular and uniform contours. An exaggerated limp and inelastic skin requires a completely different treatment. It should be noted that liposuction, cellulite is known as orange peel, can not improve alone.
If liposuction with other techniques (ENDERMOLOGIE) is combined, we can expect considerable improvements such altered skin. A review of the health general condition and the reason for laboratory analysis is mandatory for all patients. You should be psychologically stable and realistic in their demands and expectations.
The procedure is usually performed in combination of local anesthesia and intravenous sedation, in which the patient is awake, it offers the patient good comfort. Sometimes general anesthesia is necessary.
The operation takes one to three hours, depending on the size of the treated areas. There are several different liposuction techniques depending on the process of softening and aspiration of fat tissue. All methods have in common, namely, that in the treated region prior insertion of liquid compositions to their strength and Swelling is achieved. This is done through small incisions. Later specially shaped needles are inserted through the same notches, by using the first, the fat tissue is softened either mechanically or by ultrasonic waves, then drawn off by the vibration of the cannula, with a laser, and by means of negative pressure. In this way it is possible to remove larger amounts of fat with minimal blood loss. The maximum amount of fat, which can be safely removed, depends on the health of the patient, the weight of which, currently made other treatments and the like. But not more than 10% of the total weight of the patient. Often there is a need for a deformation of certain body parts by redistributing fat ie taken from a body part fat, can be used effectively for the correction of fat deficiency or deformities in other parts of the body. This process is known as LIPOSCULPTUR. can be used effectively for the correction of fat deficiency or deformities in other parts of the body. This process is known as LIPOSCULPTUR. can be used effectively for the correction of fat deficiency or deformities in other parts of the body. This process is known as LIPOSCULPTUR.
After the operation:
The stay in the hospital may take on the size of the intervention of a few hours up to a day or two dependent. The patient wears several weeks specially made elastic bodice-Bh. Their role is to reduce the swelling and allow the contraction of the skin in the treated area. The pain is easy to control and easy to moderate by medication. The bruising is minimal. It can come in the treated area to a complete loss of feeling, but it’s only temporary. The stitches are removed after five to seven days. The postoperative treatment should not neglect the importance of massage, skin care and compression. The new work may be taken after a few days, depending on the size of the intervention, the re-recovery, and of the type which is applied the profession. Heavy physical activities should be avoided for two to three weeks. It is recommended to slow walks daily. Liposuction is when it is carried out by trained specialists of plastic surgery, considered one of the most reliable and secure jobs with very rare complications. The results achieved after six months.