breast reduction
Including the reduction in size of female breast by surgery is understood. This is obtains through the removal of excess fat, glandular tissue and skin to get smaller and shaped breasts.
Before the operation:Women with larger breasts can have different subjective symptoms: pain in the back and neck as shortness of breath or skin irritation under the breasts. The age largely determines the patient’s motivation. Younger patients with less severe painful conditions undergo more cosmetic reasons surgery. In elderly patients, the pain is more pronounced, as a rule, and they expect a reduction in complaints by the operation, while the aesthetic reasons lie in the background. All patients overall health is checked and made basic laboratory analyzes.
It must include a clinical and ultrasound breast exam result and, if necessary, a mammography.
Surgery:The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from two to three hours. There are several different surgical techniques that are applied depending on the size and shape of the breast enlargement, age and wishes of the patient and the surgical experience. In the most common method an incision is made in the form of a keyhole or anchor which detects the nipple and downwardly towards the lower half of the breast, the groove following below the chest, stretches. Excess glandular and fatty tissue is removed together with the skin, the nipple is lifted up in a new position. The skin is pulled laterally towards the center and around the nipple and this leads to the formation of a new breast shape. After the wounds are sutured, are the seams around the nipple, vertically downwards along the groove under the breast. Sometimes the cut can be made vertically downward just to the nipple and or, depending on the size and shape of the breasts. The aforementioned techniques can be combined with liposuction (liposuction) to remaining excess fat to remove usually toward the armpit. It should be noted that the LIPOSUCTION of the breasts, as an independent procedure for breast reduction surgery can significantly relieve painful disorders in patients, although the indications this are very rare. In these cases, the recovery is accelerated and the cuts are almost unnoticeable. Sometimes the cut can be made vertically downward just to the nipple and or, depending on the size and shape of the breasts. The aforementioned techniques can be combined with liposuction (liposuction) to remaining excess fat to remove usually toward the armpit. It should be noted that the LIPOSUCTION of the breasts, as an independent procedure for breast reduction surgery can significantly relieve painful disorders in patients, although the indications this are very rare. In these cases, the recovery is accelerated and the cuts are almost unnoticeable. Sometimes the cut can be made vertically downward just to the nipple and or, depending on the size and shape of the breasts. The aforementioned techniques can be combined with liposuction (liposuction) to remaining excess fat to remove usually toward the armpit. It should be noted that the LIPOSUCTION of the breasts, as an independent procedure for breast reduction surgery can significantly relieve painful disorders in patients, although the indications this are very rare. In these cases, the recovery is accelerated and the cuts are almost unnoticeable. to remaining excess fat to remove usually toward the armpit. It should be noted that the LIPOSUCTION of the breasts, as an independent procedure for breast reduction surgery can significantly relieve painful disorders in patients, although the indications this are very rare. In these cases, the recovery is accelerated and the cuts are almost unnoticeable. to remaining excess fat to remove usually toward the armpit. It should be noted that the LIPOSUCTION of the breasts, as an independent procedure for breast reduction surgery can significantly relieve painful disorders in patients, although the indications this are very rare. In these cases, the recovery is accelerated and the cuts are almost unnoticeable.
The hospital stay lasts one to two days. Specially shaped bras support the new shape and size of the breasts. They are worn for a few weeks until the swelling and bruising not retreat. If a drainage was used, it is removed after the first or second day. The stitches are removed after seven days. During this period, there are slight or moderate pain who are breastfed by painkillers. The resumption of work, depending on the course of recovery and nature of the profession, may take place after two to three weeks. Avoid a month hard physical activities and direct sunlight for three months. The scars are in the first months pink and hard, then they soften and pale. With rough or warped scars.